Course curriculum
Module 1: Unlearning Diet Culture
Welcome to End Emotional Eating!
Recovering from Diet Trauma
Unlearning Diet Culture
Understanding the History of Diets
How diets work + why they lead to emotional eating
It’s not your fault - it’s what you’ve been taught
Module 2: End Emotional Eating - for good
End Emotional Eating - for good
Positive Coping Strategies for Emotional Eating
Practical Strategies to Stop Boredom/Mindless/Emotional Eating
What to expect on your end emotional eating journey
Module 3: Healing your Relationship with Food
Understanding Hunger Cues + Creating Guidelines that Work for You
Group Call Replay: getting to the root of triggers, incorporating health strategies to reduce emotional eating
Understanding + Healing your Relationship with Food
Strategies to Stop the Food + Body Image Obsession
Module 4: Drop the Body Image Struggle
Understanding Body Image: What causes it, Fantasy, and Comparison
Group Call #2
Bonus Materials
Eating Out and Happy Hours: Experience vs Convenience
Sample Plant-Based Meal Plan
Meal Prep: Build a Veggie Bowl Template